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Average Ratings: 7,3 / 10 star; directed by: Philippe Bellaiche; Cast: Tareq Barghout; Israel, Canada; writer: Rachel Leah Jones; Documentary. 超時空奇俠 watch full length movies 2017.

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魔鬼辯護人 watch full length youtube. 魔鬼辯護人 Watch full length. ~gosc # 2005-09-20 oooo a czemu nie: "forma żeńska od: adwokat"??? micking # 2005-09-20 tez tak mozna ~gosc # 2009-04-25 heh... adwokatka. Nie wiem czy pamiętacie, ale kilka lat temu (może 9? ) była taka reklama serków hochland. W tej reklamie wystąpiło śmieszne, dziecięce, wręcz infantylne słowotwórstwo w postaci "kiedy dorosnę zostanę PSYCHOLOŻKĄ". Jeszcze 9 lat temu słowa w stylu adwokatka (takie ciasto jest do cholery! ), "detektywka", czy właśnie "psycholożka" uważane były za dziecinne i wręcz śmieszne. Dzisiaj przeczytałem na kretyńskiej adwokatka i aż wygooglałem... :/ Jak dla mnie porażka. ~gosc # 2009-04-25 Ja tam nie mam nic przeciwko takim damskim tytułom, co nie zmienia oczywiście faktu, że jakbym sam był kobietą to wolałbym męską formę, bo taka "magisterka", czy właśnie "adwokatka" brzmi nieco niepoważnie. ~gosc # 2012-03-25 adwokatka brzmi miło, za to 'psycholożka' i 'socjolożka' są chyba przez idiotów wymyślone i dla idiotów przeznaczone bez urazy ~gosc # 2015-04-01 Słabo się robi kiedy zagląda się na To coś w rodzaju wikipedii słowników... Za moich czasów adwokatką potocznie nazywało się teczkę adwokata. W języku polskim nazwy większości zawodów mają rodzaj męski i nie jest to jednoznaczne z płcią osoby taki zwód wykonującą. Co będzie następne? Rośliny i meble, bo w otoczeniu też muszą być parytety? mirnal # 2015-04-01 Jest także dyplomatka... Nie dramatyzujmy - dawniej też miano problemy z akceptacją wyrazów więźniarka i kowbojka, bo różnie można je rozumieć. Z kontekstu powinno wszystko wynikać... A jeśli na rynku masz spotkać 5 belgów/Belgów, to po czym poznasz, że to ludzie a nie konie (lub odwrotnie)? Bo pięciu lub pięć? A w angielskim? ~gosc # 2015-04-01 - Swego czasu służyłem w marynarce. - A dlaczego nie w liberii? - Ależ to było w Liberii! - Poderwałem fajną cukierniczkę... - A cukru nie rozsypałeś? mirnal # 2015-04-01 - a pływak gdzie się podział? widziałeś go? - owszem, nawet go naprawiłem, bo przeciekał - jak się spisuje nasz najnowszy przewodnik po Tatrach? - dobrze, skopiowałem nawet parę egzemplarzy.

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Genres=Comedy; Duration=2 hours 3 minute; Jake Kasdan; synopsis=Jumanji: The Next Level is a movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart. In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to rescue one of their own, the players will have to brave; release year=2019; The lions has a sharp teeth.

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Dwayne Johnson, Awkwafina, Karen Gillan, Ashley Scott, Jack Black, Kevin Hart.
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Download full jumanji: the next level lyrics. Amazing! Hoping there's an full ASMR movie version. I watched this at the movies. Download full jumanji 3a the next level lyrics. Well it was quite much more worse and basic than first part. Adding Chinese character in to the movie just to show it more in Asia area it's really disappointing decision.

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Download Full Jumanji: The Next level 2. Download Full Jumanji: The Next level 1. Download full jumanji: the next level 7. Thats juminji 1. Omg guys! Were back in jumanjj! 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Danny Glover and Danny DeVito worked perfectly. Film z nekaj pretirano patetičnimi prizori in absolutno predvidljivim koncem V glavnih vlogah so Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan in Nick Jonas. Foto: Kolosej Film ne poskuša kaj drugega kot poskrbeti za dobri dve uri sproščene zabave ob napetih komičnih akcijah, a to počne precej dobro. Pri video in računalniških igrah je nadaljevanje, seveda tudi zaradi hitrega tehničnega napredka, menda pogosto boljše ali vsaj enako dobro kot original, pri filmih, sploh tistih lahkotnejših žanrov, pa je to precej redkeje. Običajno nam ustvarjalci novega nadaljevanja humorne superuspešnice ponudijo samo nekakšno reciklažo že videne zgodbe in rahlo predelanih najbolj posrečenih domislic izvirnika, z v oči vpijočim motom "če se je prodalo v prvo, se bo pa še v drugo". A pri novem nadaljevanju Jumanjija je kljub enaki osnovni ideji – skupina ljudi se znajde znotraj videoigre v telesih svojih igralnih avatarjev – vendarle drugače. Ne le, da se režiser in soscenarist Jake Kasdan ni zadovoljil le s predelavo lastnega dela, ampak je akcijsko komično pustolovščino tudi resnično popeljal na naslednjo raven. V skladu s premiso videoiger je v zgodbo vpeljal nove like, razširil igralno polje, čisto rahlo spremenil pravila igre in dodal nove, še zahtevnejše naloge, ki jih je treba rešiti, da prideš živ do konca. Vse to seveda skozi besedne dovtipe in humor, ki sicer še vedno niso na kaki zelo visoki ravni, a jih dokaj uspešno rešujeta samoironija, ki jo vnašata predvsem Jack Black in Dwayne Johnson, in pa poglavitno dejstvo, da je v videoigri pač vse mogoče, tudi pogovarjanje s kamelami na primer. Da se film ne jemlje preveč resno, sta poskrbela tudi dva stara komedijantska mačka Danny DeVito in Danny Glover oziroma njuni zelo posrečeni inkarnaciji v svetu videoigre, s čimer so se ustvarjalci – enako rahlo kot prejšnjič družbenih stereotipov – tokrat dotaknili medgeneracijskega prepada. Za končni uspeh je tudi tokrat seveda ključno prav sodelovanje vseh vpletenih ne glede na njihove telesne značilnosti v resničnem življenju. Kakor Jumanji: Dobrodošli v džungli tako tudi Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja niti ne poskuša kaj drugega kot poskrbeti za dobri dve uri sproščene zabave ob napetih komičnih akcijah, a to počne precej dobro, celo boljše od predhodnega filma. Z nekaj pretirano patetičnimi prizori in absolutno predvidljivim koncem, seveda, a kaj več bi od vživetja v povprečno pustolovsko videoigro tudi težko pričakovali. Iz oddaje Gremo v kino. Medtem ko vas ni bilo, Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja, Greš? Grem!, Aeronavta.

Download Full Jumanji: The next level. How to download jumanji the next level full movie in telugu. YouTube. Even though Jumanji: The Next Level isn't as well paced as it's surprisingly good predecessor, it's still great fun and a worthy sequel. All of the returning cast are once again incredible, especially Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart with their excellent impressions of Danny Devito and Danny Glover (who are both great. Awkwafina is also incredible and a welcome addition. It's consistently funny and Jake Kasdan's direction is really good. The CG is great and the music by Henry Jackman is fantastic. Also like it's predecessor, the villain is unfortunately forgettable.

No nevím jestli vítěži víc jak z jedničky stejnou věci ale uvidime. It was hilarious and fun what else do you need to know. Download full jumanji: the next level online. Jumanji 2: The Next Level was a fun movie, not a great one. Not a significant movie but worth watching to pass the time. I think it's better than the first one, partly due to the addition of the new cast members, especially Awkwafina who shines in this and gives a very funny performance. I like where the franchise is going as setup in near the end of the film.

Download jumanji the next level in tamil. So glad to have jim carrey come back to hollywood. Download jumanji the next level fzmovies. Download full jumanji: the next level 8. Download full jumanji: the next level 4. Download full jumanji 3a the next level build. Download full jumanji: the next level 2017. Download full jumanji: the next level movie. Karen not doing her real Scottish accent. what a waste.

😂😂😂😂😂 That's soO fuNny 😂😂😂😂. Jumanji: The Next Level Enter your location above or select your theater below. A slight issue with the ending but given the after credits I don't think its as bad as it was if the writers are thinking ahead. Download full jumanji 3a the next level enhance. I'm so ready for Jumanji: The Next Level. Yeah, couldn't afford Kevin. Download full jumanji 3a the next level new. Download full jumanji: the next level 5. Akcijski Pustolovski Komedija Fantazijski V kinu od: 12. 12. 2019 (Slovenija) Režija: Jake Kasdan Scenarij: Jeff Pinkner, Scott Rosenberg Igralci: Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson, Madison Iseman, Kevin Hart Država: ZDA Top 10 - UK #5 Top 10 - ZDA Top 10 - SLO #8 Vsebina - Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja V filmu Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja se ekipa vrača, ampak igra se je spremenila. Kar nekaj časa je minilo, odkar so Spencer, Fridge, Bethany in Martha zaigrali davno pozabljeno igro Jumanji. Ko se eden od njih ponovno znajde v igri, preostali odidejo za njim, da bi ga rešili. Ko se naši junaki spustijo v Jumanji, da bi rešili prijatelja, odkrijejo, da nič ni tako, kot so pričakovali. Igra se je spremenila, kot se je tudi ekipa, ki se je ponovno znašla v njej. Avatarji so drugačni, vpleteni so novi liki, igra sama pa je še težja in nevarnejša kot prej. Spored - Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja Spored - Ljubljana Kolosej danes 3. 2. danes, 3. 2. jutri 4. 2. jutri, 4. 2. sreda 5. 2. sreda, 5. 2. Recenzije - Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja Film ne poskuša kaj drugega, kot poskrbeti za dobri dve uri sproščene zabave ob napetih komičnih akcijah, a to počne precej dobro. Pri video in računalniških igrah je nadaljevanje, seveda tudi zaradi hitrega tehničnega napredka, menda pogosto boljše ali vsaj enako dobro kot original, pri filmih, sploh tistih lahkotnejših žanrov, pa je to precej bolj redko. [več.. ] Galerija - Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja.

Download jumanji the next level. Nora who owned Eddie's and Milo's restaurant is Judy's and Peter's aunt from first Jumanji. I recommend you all to go see it. Just saw it in 4DX and man it's better than StarWars It's funny af but don't expect much from story point of view. If you want action and wanna laugh, then it's the movie for you. Download jumanji the next level full movie toxicwap.





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Jumanji: The Next Level Rated 7.9 / 10 based on 911 reviews.

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Schöne aufnahmen. valle gran rey aleine ist schon so schön. Magnifique Félix ! Quelle évivre l'esprit de Bonifacio. MERCI. Cant believe ive only just seen this, have you been back since lads? its a MUST theres got to be a dirty old 70 knocking about in there. A hegyek szigete Watch online pharmacy. I am going to go straight and tell you: I am sorry, but do not go to this movie. br> It is the biggest waste of money I've ever made and besides seing Catrinel Marlon naked there is nothing to see. The main character has no emotions and all the movie seems like it was written with the left hand (obviosly the writer is right handed.
The movie also has gross scenes and the whistling sound is extremely annoying.
I rate 2/10 just because of the beauty of Catrinel. A hegyek szigete watch online en.

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I looked up at the equipment hovering over me, suspended by straps ties and inexperienced welds. "Not really. " I tried to turn my head back to her to smile, and was suddenly overwhelmed, my entire body tensing up and jerking repeatedly as a seizure took hold of my body. I coughed once, and Eva's eyes widened. Darting towards the work bench, she grabbed a towel as blood began to dribble from my lips. She held it to my face as the fit continued and more blood fell from my lips. After several minutes it abated, and I leaned back in the seat gasping for breath. "You alright? " asked Eva as she leaned forwards and wiped at my mouth cleaning the blood away. It took me a moment to collect myself. "I will be, " I said, exhausted. "That mean you want to continue? " "More so than ever, yeah. " Eva threw the towel aside and returned to the control console. She glanced at the bed next to her and then back to me. "Everything's green. " "Go! " I growled. Eva took another breath and started the process. At first there was nothing; a low hum from the machines, but that was about it. Electricity crackled and the salvaged scanning module whirred. "Anything? " asked Eva. I raised one finger, my signal for now while the process took place and I had to remain still. Moving during an intense brain scan wasn't usually advisable. Eva glanced back down at the screens in front of her. "I'm seeing a good resolution here. The transfer rate is increasing exponentially! " I was seeing something now, an odd flicker in front of my eyes. Lights were dancing and forming, bouncing all around me in odd and unnatural patterns. It was most likely the result of the intense focused electromagnetic field focused on the neurons of my visual cortex. Or another likely scenario, God wasn't happy with what I was doing and I was going to see the pearly gates. My vision whited out and I resisted the urge to move. "Adam! Are you alright!? " I couldn't see her, but I raised two fingers. It was now or never. The lights flashed again, I felt disoriented, like someone had just spun my chair around. I remained sitting not wanting to move. Another flash and a loud electrical crack. I was on my back. The light was gone. "What the! " I sat up, pulling the blanket away from myself. Eva looked over at me startled, as did the man next to her. Me. I glanced down looking at my body. My new one. "Did it work? " I asked, or rather, the other me asked. I looked over at him. "Yeah, it worked. " He smiled. "Well that's good. What's it feel like? " I raised a hand and slowly turned it around. Carefully, I pinched the skin and felt the appropriate response. Looking down at my chest, I hit it, and felt the unforgiving metal beneath the skin. "Really good. " Crouching down, I leapt up into the air and grabbed at the scaffolding of the decrepit warehouse. Dust and rusty grit was shaken loose, but I ignored it in favor of flipping my body over, and moving my feet up to touch the ceiling, leaving my head pointed directly at the floor below. Letting go, I felt time slow, and not in the way it usually did in a stressful scenario. I felt something in the back of my head click on and time literally slowed. I knew how far off the ground I was, where I was going to land and how hard, and how I would have to shift my weight before landing to avoid injury. I knew all of this. Glancing over, I looked at myself and Eva. Their eyes were tracking me as I fell, if somewhat behind, still looking at the spot where I had been on the ceiling. Flipping, I landed in another cloud of dust and grime. Eva and my other self looked at me. "Really, really good. " I repeated smiling at the two. Eva glanced back at the more frail incarnation of my consciousness. He waved his hands and sat back down in the chair where I, he, had just been. "How long was the gap? " I asked. "To me if felt like a moment. " "It's been about six hours, " said the older me. I nodded. "Alright, that was expected. " "Still stressful. " Eva bustled over to me, pulling a tablet off of her desk. She unwound a cable, which she unceremoniously snapped into the back of my neck, standing up on her tiptoes to do so. "Ow! " I said. She rolled her eyes. "You were going to complain that everything is fine, that I don't need to run tests? " she asked. The two versions of me looked at one another. "Yeah. " Eva grunted and then looked down at the tablet. It took several moments for the diagnostics to return. "99. 8% conversion. That's higher than we expected! " she said. I smiled, and the older version of me stood and slowly ambled over. "So he's not me? " he asked. Eva shrugged, still reading the results. "The neural conversion from a natural synaptic net to a synthetic equivalent was bound to have some translation issues. Both systems are analog at heart, but the transfer equipment was digital; some parsing had to be done. " "The difference is about as much as I am now to who I was two weeks ago, right? " I asked. The older version of me, the sicker version of me, nodded. "Yep. " He sighed and looked more meaningfully at me this time. "You sure? " I asked knowing what he intended. Eva looked up. "Am I sure about what? " she asked. I shook my head and looked over at the older me. "You know the answer, " he said. "I do. " Reaching out, I grabbed Eva's hand and pulled her to me. She struggled against me for a moment. "Adam! " "Sorry. " I mumbled. The first version of me walked over to the desk, opened a drawer, and slowly extracted a small black handgun. He weighed it in his hands for a moment. "Adam? " repeated Eva. "You want to give the speech, or should I? " I asked. The other Adam opened his mouth to answer, but instead he coughed and began to wretch. It took him another minute to recover. "Eva, you know what the point of all of this was, " said Adam. "No! " shouted Eva. She struggled against me. Minutes ago, from my perspective, I wouldn't have been strong enough to hold even her petite form back. Now I could technically lift a car over my head. I was in a body that the two of us had designed for use by the military as a remote drone. The only illicit modifications we had to perform was the artificial neural net substrate, something the military hadn't invested in much since the 2038 incident. I was now almost completely artificial. The skin was real, but more akin to the artificial meat grown in farms instead of real skin. We had, or rather, I had also made sure that it had the appropriate external structures as well. If I was getting a robotic body, there was no way I was going to emasculate myself. "Eva, he's in near constant pain. I, he. " I paused, still trying to sort the words out in my own head. My very new and much faster head. "The pain is bad. He's been covering it up to finish the project. At this point, it's either go out with some grace, or become addicted to some pain killer and rot away. We don't want that, " I said trying to get her to understand. Adam finished coughing and straightened back up to look me in the eye. "You make sure to take care of her. " "You know I will. " The two of us smiled weakly at one another. Eva was sobbing now, and shaking her head back and forth. "Please don't! " she said, the tears streaming down her face. Adam raised the gun and looked at it. "You know, it's odd. I half expected to wake up as you, " he said, looking over at me. "You did, though. " Adam nodded and sighed. He tensed and closed his eyes, taking several deep shuddering breaths. "Well, here's to immortality then. " There was a bang, Eva let out a pained cry and I let go of her. She stumbled forwards to where I…he had collapsed. The body that nature had given me, and my own genetics had destroyed, lay prone on the ground. Slowly I walked over to look at him; the same face – backwards, but the very same one I had seen in the mirror every day - looked back up at me blankly. "You know, I wasn't completely sure we had the guts to do it. " Eva turned to look at me. "You could have stopped him! " "I could have, yes. But five minutes ago, from my perspective, I was in that body! I know exactly what he was feeling! " I held up a hand and leaned forward to close Adam's eyes. "My body was falling apart, things weren't working. I was on so many meds that I wasn't going to be able to get off of them. This was the cure! " I waved my hand at my body, the new one. Eva glared at me for a half moment and then turned back to look at what had once been me. "So what, when I switch into mine should I put a bullet through my own head? " she asked. "Eva. " I put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it away. "Stop! " I took the hand away. She looked back at Adam. "Do you see me any differently? " I asked. "How can I not!? " She stood up and stormed over to the work bench, next to the bed where we had constructed the body I was in. Lying next to it was another half-finished body, the one that she would be copying herself into. Silently walking over to it, marveling at the fact that none of my bones creaked or my joints ached from the simple movement, I joined her and looked down at it. The basic form was human, but purely mechanical. The chest cavity was, open exposing the mass of delicate machinery inside as well as the small fusion plant that powered it. By all technicality, the body on the table and the one I was in would be able to operate for fifty-five years without fuel. In a vat on the other side of the room, the skin that would be grafted to the metallic skeleton was growing. "Really? We do all of this research, all of this experimentation… you said yourself it was a 99. 8% transferal! " Eva looked at me, really looked at me, for the first time. I stared back at her. She sighed. "Did you really have to do that immediately after? " she asked, pointing at my first iteration. "Seriously I was in pain, a lot of it. The diagnosis was terminal you know that! " She shook her head, sitting down and looking at her own duplicate. "Do you always have to make everything so dramatic? " I sat down on the other side of her new body. For several minutes the two of us were silent. "Am I going to have to ask? " Eva looked up at me. "What? " I leaned forward across the bed, towards her. She hesitated for a moment, and her eyes flicked back to my old body. "It's a little morbid. " I scoffed. "I'm not dead, and we diverged for what, five minutes and. 2%? " "I mean kissing in front of a dead body. " I nodded in agreement. "Yes. Although technically, …" She reached across and slapped me. I smiled hardly feeling the impact. "I'll take care of it. " "You have something in mind? " she asked. I might not be dead, but still I grew up in that body. It's personal. " She began to tinker with her own body. "Alright. " 1056 days Artemis Looking down at the crowd, I let my mind expand, my eyes moving independently as I scanned for my prey. He was supposedly a Luddy, but given how well he had been able to evade me thus far I was somewhat skeptical of that fact. No one could avoid modern surveillance without using some of it themselves. The crowds below were something I would normally avoid, but if we were going to complete our objective, then I would have to brave it. Jonas Mayweather was the prey; he was the rallying voice for the Luddies. That wasn't the reason he deserved death, though. He has killed my sister in cold blood, while the masses had watched and cheered - and he revelled in the attention they gave him. That was the reason I was going to watch as the life drained from his face. Revenge, pure and simple, not some stupid ideological reason. Apollo had been bedridden nearly her entire life, and then she had been offered an escape. The chance to leave her body and live within the first digital soul server, something that the hypocrites below apparently detested. They were not content with simply calling those who escaped death to live inside of the digital realm cowards; they had deemed them abominations that needed to be destroyed, and destroyed the server farm complex. The attacks had been the will of the mob, and in any case the governments were not sure what to classify the attack as; if they called murder, they would be conceding that those who were alive inside the computers were still people, and that their rights were guaranteed. The Luddies in the government loathed to do that, so instead they stalled. All anyone had been charged with was destruction of property and proprietary data, if they had even been charged at all. That was what my sister had been reduced to: proprietary data. Jonas Mayweather had led that raid, now he would die. From high above, I watched. The crowd below was the worst of humanity: the hateful dregs of society who feared everything alien and new, who feared to look forward at what they could be, content to wallow in what they were. Not long ago, these same people had been the ones fighting to keep people in love apart, and before that they had marched with the same fevered rage to separate people for something as simple as melanin concentrations in the skin. Now they marched to deny others life, and condemn my kin to worthlessness. "You see him? " asked Eva, looking back from the co-pilots seat. I looked over at the woman, and her duplicate in the pilot's seat next to her. "No. But then, he won't show himself until it's time for the speech to begin. " Eva - the older, biological-smelling one – nodded, apparently lost in thought. Her counterpart simply grunted in confirmation. "You know, it's funny, " said the fully biological Eva. "What is? " I asked, annoyed with the woman. Both versions of her wouldn't shut up if they started talking, and once they were talking with one another they switched to a shorthand that was incomprehensible to anyone else. "He used to be respected. Mayweather that is. " "So? " I asked as I continued to scan the crowd. "I'm just saying that he was once a moderate. That maybe murdering him in front of a crowd of thousands will only turn him into a martyr. He's only been off the wall crazy since he attacked the facility. " "I'm not arguing with you about this again, Doctor, " I growled. She had been bringing this up at every opportunity. If such a vile man became a martyr, then the solution was simple. Kill anyone who held him up as such. Waiting for the crowd to realize their error would take far too long and cost far too many lives. "I'm just saying, the fallout from this won't just be contained to you. What do you think the Luddies will do when they can't get their hands on you? Turn around and go home? They'll assault anyone with any cybernetics or obvious genetics in the street! " I turned an eye to look at the purely human woman. "Then you'll be fine. " Eva rolled her eyes. "Yes, the woman that helped invent the very thing they fear, I'll be perfectly fine. I don't even have the ballistic armor embedded in my skin! " she said, looking pointedly at her double. The cyborg shrugged. "I was the lucky one? Besides, I'm amazed you aren't dead yet, or at least that you've not gone in for cybernetics add-ons yourself. " Eva shrugged. "Call me paranoid, but I'd rather not be fried when the idiots detonate a nuke. " "So you'd rather die in the radioactive fallout? " asked the cybernetic Eva. "Exactly! " I ignored them as they continued to argue and turned both of my eyes back down towards the masses. The crowd was parting down the center, and a man in a pure white suit was moving forwards. "I think I see him. " The two Evas shut up, the cybernetic one leaning over to look out of the helicopter. "I see him. I've got a 98% match on facial recognition. " The man took off his hat and moved up onto the monument steps. "That's him. Artemis, are you sure? " I jumped before either one of them could say anything else. For a brief moment I closed my eyes, relaxing. Angling myself down, I cut through the cold winter air. It ripped and tore at my bare skin. My scales vibrated. My feathers flexed. Opening my outer eyelid, I looked down at the fast approaching ground and smiled. I was a predator, and my prey was in sight. My genetic instincts, so much stronger than normal humans, were practically purring at the prospect of what was to come. Angling my descent even further, I shot towards the shallow pool in front of the dead president's monument. This was going to hurt in any case; I might as well make my entrance dramatic. I hit the pool, and then the stone beneath the water. It hurt like hell, and for the first time since my inception I felt the limits of my physical endurance being tested, or at least in regards to the carbon composite nano-filament reinforced bones. My skin's bulletproof properties had been tested often enough, and I had been thrown off of a few buildings. Still, I usually had a parachute. Keeping my inner eyelids closed, I quickly swam up to the surface and broke out of the water, kicking one last time to leap up out of it. The crowd around me drew back away from the pool as I arced high through the air. I lightly landed at the front of the pool and looked up at Mayweather and the president's statue behind him. The crowd was silent for a moment, stunned. I couldn't really blame them. My sisters and I had never revealed ourselves to the world; our father had never hidden us, but he had also never lied about the fact that the world would fear us. Besides, the element of surprise was not one to be given up on a whim. We were supposed to be the pinnacle of biology, more intelligent than any human, more lethal than any predator. We had all begun in our Father's eye when his own child, one produced through the same means humanity had employed for millennia, had died because of genetic frailty. From her he had taken the base genetic code, and onto it grafted everything else that made us. At first he had done it to try and bring his daughter back, but instead he got us - me and my sisters. Still, he loved each of us. When Apollo had fallen ill, struck by the same disease that had killed his original daughter, our Father had nearly been driven mad. He stripped out any genetic code he thought had caused it, and put inside us so many improvements, so many blessings, so much power, that we were the closest things to Gods on Earth. Or at least, he had thought so. Near the end of Apollo's life, when he was desperately looking for any answer, he had discovered the work of Doctors Eva and Adam. In desperation he reached out to them, and they helped him. Apollo had abandoned her failing body and transferred her soul into the computer, the first of many desperate souls to do so. For three years afterwards, she had lived with all of us, turning her predatory instincts on a world of silicon and computers. She was just as lethal, and just as beautiful as the rest of us. She hunted inside the digital systems while we hunted in the real world, making sure that the genetic experiments being performed by every government around the world didn't go too far, that the people they might be creating were treated properly, like people. When she had died, the facility that she and hundreds of others like her called home destroyed, our Father sunk into a depression until he passed away just a week ago. Now the man responsible for that misery would pay. Stepping forward, I smiled, my teeth exposed. My feathers were up and my scales flat. My sisters and I didn't usually wear clothing. There was no need. Even the most advanced armors would fail before our skin did. "Jonas Mayweather! " I shouted. The crowd stepped further away from me, and the man on the podium looked down at me stunned. "You killed my sister! For that I am going to kill you! " I shouted. I pointed a hand at him, letting a retracted claw slowly slide out. Mayweather swallowed, glancing around at his guards. The crowd seemed to regain some of his confidence. A man broke from the crowd and rushed towards me. Lazily, I let him approach. He out-massed me several times; he was heavily muscled and was no doubt someone who usually fought before he talked. He swung a fist at me. I casually moved out of the way, grabbed his arm and broke it in four different places, and kicked him back into the crowd. Mayweather watched this and a vicious smiled spread across his face. "See how casually it reverts to violence! Does anyone here think that thing hasn't killed?! " I stepped away from the man who had attacked me and stalked forwards towards Jonas. The crowd fell silent and parted away from me. "My sister was one of the minds inside the servers you and your faithful followers killed! " I shouted. Mayweather looked positively smug now. "Those shadows who were once people? They were nothing but computer code that had you fooled into thinking it was alive! " he shouted. He spread his arms, gesturing at the crowd around him. " This is what humanity is! These are real people - even you are nothing but a shadow! I don't know why you have that cybernetic body, maybe like those who retreated into the half-life of those servers you feared death, or maybe you were conceited enough to ask for the body thinking it would make you a god! " Mayweather raised his arms up. "But you are not a god - in fact you are less than a man now! " From his pocket he produced something and clicked it. I heard the capacitors, the charging circuits and the power building. Within half a second the EMP wave pulsed out invisible and devastating. Every piece of technology in sight spluttered and died. The drones above recording the rally fell from the sky. The lights around the monument spluttered out and died. In the pockets of many of the people in the crowd, personal devices fizzled and died. The microphone in front of Mayweather let out one final spluttering crackle before going silent. The only light now came from the setting sun, tinging everything red. "Without your technology, you are nothing! " shouted Mayweather his arms up to the sky as if preaching. Calmly, I took several steps towards him. Mayweather and others in the crowd stepped back in apparent shock. "I am not a cyborg, Mayweather. I was born with my gifts. " The guards all moved in front of Mayweather as he tried to regain the crowd. "Then you are worse of an abomination than even the cyborgs! At least they were once human; you though have no idea what it means to be human! " shouted Mayweather. I looked at the man and shook my head. "It's sad, you truly believe your own rhetoric don't you? " He didn't say anything, instead choosing to continue glaring at me. "I am a predator, Mayweather! I have killed without remorse or compassion. " I raised a hand, flashing my claws in the dying light. "I do not have the blood of children, of the innocent, on my hands. You and the masses you stirred up murdered thousands who did not deserve death. Every life that I have taken, though, deserved far worse than the quick death I provided. " I turned to look at the people in the crowd. "You killed those you thought were abominations when they were composed of nothing more than electrons in a computer. Will you stand by your principles now as I stand before you, and murder me in cold blood? " I spread my arms, offering myself to the crowd. "Be warned, though. If you are prepared to kill me, I will offer the same courtesy. " With that I smiled, exposing my canines. For half a beat, the crowd was frozen. Mayweather broke the silence. "Somebody kill the abomination! " he shouted, and turned to his guards. One of them, a man barely past youth, pulled the gun from his belt. Hands shaking, he pointed it at me. The crowd once again froze, watching. Waiting. "Make sure you don't shoot anyone else! " I shouted, and stepped forwards towards him. The man's eyes widened, and his grip on the gun tightened. "If you miss, I can assure you that you will be dead before you can pull the trigger again, " I said, my voice calm. The man glanced back at Mayweather, who was waving his hands for him to continue. The man glanced out at the crowd. The people in the back were trying to get closer, while those at the front were trying to back away, sensing legitimate danger. Still, they were absolutely quiet. "You're not human! " shouted the man. I paused. "For that, even if it is true, I deserve death? " I let the feathers and scales that covered my body ripple. "I am not like you. I do not think like you. I do not act like you. I would hazard that I am perhaps even more intelligent than you. You cannot deny that the only reason to kill me would be to destroy something you say is not human. I believe I am Human in sprit; I endeavour to expand my horizons, to work towards a better future. Does that not make me human? " I turned to look at Mayweather. "Regretfully, sometimes that means reverting to the more primitive methods of correcting a problem. " "Shoot her! " shouted Mayweather. He put his hand on the man's shoulder, startling him. The gun went off, and I felt the impact of the bullet on my shoulder near one of the weak points of my armor. The lucky shot dug into my flesh and hit the bone. The man yelped and dropped the weapon, quickly turning tail and running when I remained standing in front of him. The crowd recoiled. People scrambled away from me. Walking forward, I carefully picked up the crude weapon, weighing it in my hand. "These are hardly even dangerous in the new world. A cyborg will repair any wound, and you need an anti-material rifle to pierce the brain cases of most. Due to your interference, the newest servers for those who live exclusively as digital souls are now mirrored across a dozen locations, a thousand different server clusters. You could as much kill one of them as you can expunge a bacterial species from the surface of the planet. " I tossed the gun back and I heard it splash in the pool. With a single clawed finger, I dug underneath the scales of my shoulder and slowly extracted the bullet, betraying nothing of the pain on my face. "I'm the most vulnerable of the new types of human. We have nothing but the combined accomplishments of Mother Nature, yet still these weapons are nothing more than annoyances. " I dropped the bloody bullet onto the white stones. It clinked and rolled, leaving a trail of dark red on the marble. Mayweather's eyes were bugging out now, and the remaining guards had moved to encircle him. All of them had their guns out now, and all were pointed at me. "You are a monster! An abomination! A sin against God! " shouted the mad prophet. "You cannot kill me, for my message is righteous! " He fought against the guards for a moment, even as they tried to carry him away to safety. "You're right Mayweather! I can't kill you! " The security detail paused, and Mayweather broke free, smiling triumphantly. Before he could interrupt, I continued. "Aphrodite has claimed that privilege. So I'm content simply to watch as the life drains from your eyes. " Mayweather and the crowd barely had time to blink after I finished speaking. My sister let go and dropped from the high alcove of the monument where she had been lying in wait for nearly three days. I and my other sisters in the crowd all watched with vicious glee as she pounced. Her claws rent into his skin, and in a death that was far too quick and merciful, Mayweather collapsed. The guards turned in unison, but Aphrodite had already leapt off of the steps of the monument and landed next to me. The rest of my sisters did the same, throwing aside their cloaks and disguises and leaping up from out of the crowd. The six of us stood looking out at the crowd in a small defensive circle. "If you want to kill us 'abominations', then do not complain when the abominations fight back! " I shouted. Most of the crowd turned and ran. The foolish ones rushed towards us. As a pack, we first six genetic abominations, amalgamations of every species mother Earth had to offer, struck. We struck out against the ignorance, the pain, the downright hatred that had killed our sister. We were not heroes. We were not righteous on that day. We were simply human enough to want revenge. 3289 days Atlas "You say it like destroying a rouge AI is simple, " I growled. Artemis just huffed in annoyance. "It's not that complicated. " I slowly turned around in my chair and held the connection cable out to the rather violent woman. Her reputation was something that most didn't mess with. I was at least fairly confident that she wouldn't kill me for insulting her; all reports had her and her sisters killing only for good reasons. Still, not a good idea to piss her off, if only for the number of political connections she had. "You want to do it? " She looked at it for a moment, and I half expected her impulsiveness to win out. She was really on edge - not surprising given the genetics she had. They made her predictable. "No, we didn't spend three days hunting you down to do something we could have done ourselves. We are confident we would be able to do it, but not without the requisite amount of finesse to make it a lasting victory, " Artemis answered. I looked around at the five remaining sisters. At one point, they had looked identical, being clones, but years of war and hardship had given them all scars. They looked more like sisters now rather than carbon copies. Not unlike the ones I survived, although none of mine were external. The scars from my encounters were internal. On the outside, I was less impressive then even a Luddite human; my muscles were weak, and not at all toned. In the ages before, I would have been powerless. I was no genius, no savant of any particular field. My strength came from an abnormality in my brain, some small flaw I had honed into a blade. My mind could escape the sensorium of the digital world constructed to host digital souls. I could interface, and run directly on any system, divide my mind, divide my thoughts, and still remain whole. It was a disconcerting experience, being torn apart and reconstituted in an instant and an eternity. To this day I was sure that fragments of my mind were still drifting through the networks, aimlessly searching for a mind to return to, too far mutated for me to even recognize as my own conscious fragment. "We need you to do this! " hissed Artemis. She slammed her hand onto the desk, her claws breaking the cheap wood veneer. I glanced down at her wanton destruction. "Threatening me won't make me any more willing. You need me, remember? " The women didn't look amused at all. These women were the most lethal creatures on the planet, they had all individually toppled governments, killed luddites who were threatening the world. Their modus operandi was direct, brutal, and effective. "We have the resources of Imperial America and the European Confederation. As well as unofficial support from the Chinese Empire. What do you want? " growled Artemis. I leaned back in my chair. "Artemis, when you describe your enhancements, your talents, to luddites and basic cyborgs what's the response? " She frowned, thinking for a half moment. "Misunderstanding. An inability to comprehend how I see the world, through no fault of their own in the more innocent ones. Belligerent unacceptance in the more aggressive. " "Then try to describe your talents to me, " I said. She cocked her head to the side but acquiesced. "I cannot fathom how humans survived without the sense of smell I have, the visual acuity I have, the physical defenses, the power, the absolute control I have over my body. " She raised a hand up and twirled it around, examining her short claws. I raised the cable in my hand up. "When I interface, I am drowned. Who I am is nearly swept away in the torrent of information and conscious thought. I am not some sailor or entity that can at my leisure examine the network. I am a man who is tossed overboard into a maelstrom. " I shook the cable. "I'm one of the few people who doesn't see this as a way to reach immortality. Unlike the luddites, though, it's not for lack of want. " I chuckled. "I'm as afraid of dying as anyone, but I can see the underlying structure of that immortality, and like staring into the sun I can only look for so long before I am damaged. If I were to abandon this mortal coil, " I raised my arms and stood, "I would go mad and be lost. " Artemis and her sisters looked at me. "Now do you understand what you are asking of me? " She slowly tilted her head. "As much as I can, although as you pointed out there is a disconnect between our understanding of one another. " "Then what the hell would you be able to offer me? What the hell would any of the governments of the world be able to offer me, when… when diving in again will surely drive me insane? " Artemis glanced back at her sisters. "We have nothing to offer, then, it would seem, " she said, her head dropping slightly. "Good. " I spun around to look at the old style monitors. "Now, tell me more about it. " Her head snapped back up. "What? " "I'm going to die someday. I've got nothing to live for, and I can't reach immortality. So what the hell, I might as well die for something good. Besides, if this AI is as powerful as you are making it out to be, it should be one hell of a fight. " "You would so willingly accept it? Then why debate? " growled the biological amalgamation. I shrugged. "So you understand what you're asking. Then again, I'm sure you've accepted missions where you expected to die. Plus… it's kinda fun to mess with you. " "You realize I could kill you in under a second, right? " she hissed, a small smile on her face. "I get the feeling not many people mess with you. Taking people down a peg has been a hobby of mine for a while. " "I do have a request, though. What returns to this, " I tapped my head, "likely won't be particularly sane if this is the strongest AI ever reported. " I picked up a small, old style thumb drive lying on my desk. "I want you to kill me. I'd rather not spend the rest of my life drooling in a bed. " I offered the drive to Artemis; she hesitantly took it. "And as for payment, I want you to remember her. She never made it, never had the chance to live for eternity. " Artemis glanced down at the drive and then back at me. "Who was she? " "The one in ten billion. I might not believe in the soul, but I'd like to think we were soul mates. " "Then we will remember her, " Artemis said as she tucked the drive away into a pouch. I nodded and turned back to my computer. It was my curse. Any direct neural interface, even for something as simple as visuals, would expose me to the torrent and suck me in. "I'm going with you, " said Artemis. You'll slow me down. " Artemis smiled and tapped her skull. "I've got half of the most senior government computer codes on Earth. You want that access, or do you want to waste time hacking through? I glared at her for a moment, but it was quite the advantage, and I could use her access to get a few of the things I was looking for without being detected. "You listen to me, and do what I say. No complaining. We're entering my domain. You questioning something will just slow me down. " I unspooled a second cable and held it out to her. She nodded and glanced back at her sisters, who all quietly spread themselves around the room. After some quick, unspoken affirmations, she plugged the cable in. "If we're not back in a day, then something has gone wrong. I won't wake up, and, " I turned to Artemis, "you might not wake up either. " She nodded. "Let's get going then. " A smile spread across her features. Reaching around, I plugged the cable into my neck and fell into the sea. Continued in Comments! WritingPrompt My Site My Patreon.

I'm Cezary Albin, a Polish independent filmmaker. In early 2010, a film that I consider my magnum opus, The Orchestra of Invisible Instruments, had its premiere. Nowadays, making a movie may seem like a simple task - it's easy to get hold of the right equipment and hire friends to act for you. Things become more difficult once you start working with famous artists and a crew of 30+ people. A brief history: I began working on my film in 2006. The script, heavily based on my personal experiences, was easy enough to create. I was attending film school (of sorts) back then, so when a famous actor Jan Machulski visited us, I decided to act and show him my work. He was kind enough to accept a major role in the movie. Once he was on board, people began gathering around me - call it domino effect. After a month, we had a sponsor, a very well-known composer and a couple of recognizable actors. That, and a technical crew of students and amateurs. We began filming. After about 10 days, two crucial members of the technical crew felt too much pressure and decided to leave us. Only through the determination of the rest of the crew did we finish shooting. Soon it became clear that the producer stole 3/4 of the budget and left us with giant debts. After years of finding a new sponsor, heavy post-production, reshoots etc. were we able to get this movie made. Unfortunately, Jan Machulski, the man who helped to start it all, didn't live to see it. Achievements: After the premiere, it was shown for two weeks in a cinema in Warsaw. I consider this to be my greatest success. It was also shown in the Museum of Cinematography in Lodz and was selected for the prestigious Festival of Polish Feature Films ( Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych) in Gdynia. Aftermath: The festivals came and went and it seemed that The Orchestra of Invisible Instruments truly became invisible - it was impossible to see the movie anywhere due to its length. Then it struck me: Why not share the work that I'd dedicated years of my lfe to with a broader audience? I've decided to post it as a torrent so that people can share it. What surprised me the most was the number of people who were interested in watching it. At the moment of this writing, nearly 1000 people have downloaded it. What's the movie about? : The Orchestra of Invisible Instruments tells a story about crossing the line between love and obsession. It's a journey into the mind of a young and talented artist, who loses the trust of his partner. Piotr is an extraordinarily sensitive composer. He draws the inspiration for his music from his relationship with Basia, an energetic journalist. Jealousy is Piotr's greatest vice. The young artist wants his girlfriend to stay with him at all times, even though they both know that it's impossible. Just as Piotr decides to change in order to repair his failing relationship, an odd elderly man appears to tell him that he knows everything about his future. Why am I writing this? : This movie is my greatest achievement to date. It may not be on par with American blockbusters, it may not be the best made movie ever, but a great deal of work and a lot of love had been put into making it. If even one of you watches it and finds it entertaining on inspiring, I know that I've made the right decision to write to you about it. TL;DR: I made a movie The Orchestra of Invisible Instruments: a drama about a young composer, who crosses the border between love and obsession. It was very hard to complete it. Some famous Polish artists are involved. I consider this to be my greatest artistic achievement. Download it, watch it, tell me what you think! You can download the torrent file from HERE. It contains the movie (+ subtitles) You can download the movie (+ subtitles) directly from MegaUpload HERE See the poster HERE and HQ (for printing) HERE Edit: Added links to the movie at MegaUpload and my poster at imgur. Edit 2: Added a link to the poster in HQ at MegaUpload for those of you who like it enough to print it (there's been a request).

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Spiral farm full movie hd. This reminds me of the boondocks episode i dream of siri. Spiral farm full movie online. Spiral farm full movie cast. Since Life is Strange 2 is finally fully released, I let myself to write a probably not-so-short review of the complete season. The momentum for such a summary is already gone I presume but it took me a moment to finally digest and find the proper words to describe what I think and feel about this production. Following the game from the start, I patiently waited to look at the story as a whole, hoping to find an explanation for tons of burning questions and satisfying outcomes to my choices and decisions. Unfortunately, most of those didn’t happen, therefore I present you with a piece that is not very favorable towards the newest Dontnod production, harsh in places but honest. Please, do not read if you really enjoyed the story of the two brothers and find it meaningful and important, not burdened with any fallacy. Life is way too short to read reviews that just leave you frustrated. Remember the scene in Life is Strange season one (I still hate the fact that I have to separate different instances of the franchise calling them seasons), when Max summoned by an enormous plasma TV in Victoria’s room fantasizes about watching “Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within” on it? “I like this movie, I don’t care what everybody says, ” getting protective about her preferences, the little freckle leaves the room soon after, never gifting us with any explanation as to why she indeed values this animation so much or why it was an important statement. It was never brought back again, it will never matter, becoming simply a meme material or a trigger for snarky comments from Twitch streamers and YouTubers. I watched the said movie a long time ago, recalling only two things about it: the breathtaking animation of hair at the beginning and the fact that the main male character looked like Ben Affleck. The rest of the story fell into obscurity before the end credits hit the screen. I reached for this title only because I was interested in anything video games related, and the name of the popular franchise was more than enough. The same thing goes for Life is Strange 2. Just like the mentioned FF: The Spirits Within, the second instance of the beloved series is more of an animation than an interactive experience. Recently, plenty of video games, overwhelmed by finally reachable technology of smooth mocaps, facial expressions, hyper-realistic locations, and scanned people as characters, turned into an alley dedicated to B-class movies. From adventures by David Cage to Death Stranding, video games started to flip their working template, replacing the actual action with long animations, not the other way around. With scattered gameplay, sometimes forced as if the developers reminded themselves at the last minute that this product is supposed to be interactive, they raise an eyebrow at best, and boil your blood with the lack of creativity at its worst. Life Is Strange 2 follows this trend with astonishing enthusiasm and to the core. Even regarding this particular genre that’s supposed to focus on narrative, it barely stands as a walking simulator becoming a hardly watchable TV series — a road trip story where walking is limited. Well, shit. The gameplay in Life is Strange 2 is nonexistent. To be frank, riveting action-packed sequences were never a trademark of the series, but a blatant lack of any didn’t make this experience any better. With the first one, the rewind power allowed the player to actually be part of the narrative. The second, where Sean just serves as a witness to his brother’s actions, plays more like a full motion picture. An enormous amount of un-skippable cut-scenes change LIS2 into a tedious, dragging journey straight from the worst selection of buy 1 get 3 free Z-class movies. The music and the mastery in creating an atmosphere that rose Dontnod to international fame due to widespread acclaim can’t save those sequences either. It almost feels like their own creation so enchanted the development team that they ignored all the red flags and clumsy solutions to immerse in the world themselves, treating the actual player as a lesser evil, throwing them a bone just to claim it is a video game format. To no surprise, most of the items the player interacts with don’t matter at all and don’t serve any purpose either to foreshadow an upcoming outcome, present exposition to the world, or be in any way helpful. The lack of superpower is not an issue here though. Before the Storm met the expectations with way more grace, proving that a story doesn’t need a lot of strange in life to grip and hold its audience for hours. Watching a superhero growing up is an interesting premise, but a hell of a challenge to execute and execute well. Some stories like “Little Man Tate” translate to a brilliant film, but don’t necessarily work as games, after the planning stage or first Game Design Document. The references regarding the first game also remain scattered and uneven, tossed on the pile with a heap of faith that devoted fans would notice, but without a purpose in mind. Even if I sound harsh, I do believe that Dontnod wanted to deliver the best story possible, but Life is Strange 2 feels even too big to absorb or fill with details. Captain Spirit, not necessarily my cup of tea either, was in my opinion way more coherent, as the creative team felt more comfortable with such a small scope of a product. Everything falls into place after careful exploration, makes more sense with every minute. The mystery about the mother, an alumnus of Blackwell Academy, and an admirer of Jefferson’s work is a solid premise that didn’t raise expectations up the roof nor overpromise. The mystery of yet another mother, this time Life is Strange 2, played for over 3 and a half episodes, falls flat in comparison and ends in the disappointing question “that’s it? ” No, that’s not it. There’s more to it. Life is Strange 1 was mocked as Tumblr: The Game, while the second instance could easily pass as Twitter: The Animated Series. The writers didn’t challenge themselves or the audience to answer the question of why certain people voted for Donald Trump, or why they would do it yet again. The only reason presented in the story is quite simplistic and obvious – because they are evil, deplorable people, not worth listening to. They are the worst. We are better. Issues of being harangued by foreigners about domestic policies and troubles of your own country are a brewing can of worms I wouldn’t like to touch at the moment. Still, this particular stance, which serves as painful generalization that every single republican voter in the US is foul, can be forged only by someone who either lives in a bubble or doesn’t live here at all. Simply because we all have parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, or co-workers who decided to elect the actual prescient to power. Some of them are racists, disgusting, and horrible personas, and some just belong to the scared of change, confused and manipulated crowd that don’t accept the fast-paced transformation nor the need for a revolution. We coexist together, arguing and fighting, especially during holiday breaks, but even if it costs me a headache, I wouldn’t call them evil. Millions of people voted for Trump, but only a few wouldn’t spit on a swastika if confronted with the Nazi banner. It’s even more painful when you understand what kind of message was sewed into the stitches of a shattered story. There was no ill will, or at least I don’t think so, but an honest, genuine need to express the concern about modern America. Unfortunately, when executed, this concern changed into another yell or discourse by the family table during an argument with your racist uncle. An open discussion in a game community that unifies both left and right supporters equally by their love for this form of entertainment would be appreciated by many, just like after playing LIS1, a handful of people changed their views on LGBT issues. Instead of a lesson that had to be experienced, we got a lecture about morality and tolerance, contradicting itself constantly and nonchalantly following the well-known tropes NOT in a sarcastic and admirable way known from Saturday Night Live, but in a lazy and sometimes even clumsy substitute of a dramatic format. The political landscape painted in LIS2 is caricatural, unforgiving, harsh like a deserted wasteland with a few peaceful oases to stop at, but shies over its own existence, not willing to thoroughly discuss the dreadful weather. Guess what? The sand won’t change into greener pastures only because you close your eyes, putting your imagination to work. Donald Trump might not be re-elected for a second term, but his supporters will stay in place, even more conflicted by the other side. It’s a brave decision to deliver such a punitive story but such a cowardice to break its pillars, hoping that the general public wouldn’t notice or get distracted when things get too heated up. The lack of subtlety forced scene by scene is even more polarizing. There is no peaceful dialogue with the other side as if it couldn’t exist in this world. There is no change of heart or a path to do so. Sometimes it feels like the only message that LIS2 writers wanted to provide was to find your own, peaceful and liberal hermitage, either among hipsters in the Redwood forest, driving a car that your ‘family with money but no soul’ had bought you or move to a trailer park filled with artistic souls in Nowhere, Arizona. Any contact with the outside world can hurt you and your feelings. Drop off the grid or die. The end. No discussion. The efforts of trying to understand the motivation behind even the most dreadful character of the first game, got lost in preparation for the second. LIS2 builds a higher wall between two political sides, than any other game released after Trump became the president of the United States and desperately wants to keep it erected, ignoring the crumbling foundations of such. A proverbial river you shall not cross nor build bridges over since the only outcome would end up in death, destruction, or you and your young brother getting hurt. I’m familiar with the discussion about LIS2, especially with a shouting match that if you do not like this instance, you are therefore a racist pig, a disgusting person without a soul, conscience, or working brain that doesn’t understand the situation and never will. On the contrary. In my humble opinion, we deserve a better discussion, better stories, better representation, not sticking to whatever is presented because it’s brave enough or was never approached before. I disagree with the stance that a Latino, bisexual main character is enough to close your eyes, omitting all problems that this title tries to shun, riding its high horse. No. Those topics are way too crucial to just walk past, setting for less with your head down, thanking for the game industry to take notice. You the player deserve better, even if you don’t struggle with specific issues on a daily basis. And after playing LIS2, you may feel so good about yourself, stating that an effort was made but it it wasn’t made enough. I expected more. I wanted Dontnod to do more, and frankly, I feel silly putting so much faith in them and supporting their efforts. Armed with resources provided by Square Enix, I’m sure they are aware of the fact that most of their audience is quite young and wouldn’t mind a lesson or message about what to do amidst troubled times. Well, Dontnod doesn’t have any but warns you that voicing your opinion or being different may end up in disaster. Outraged, they just yell at the news, angry about what our reality has changed into, but nothing comes out of it. It’s all right, though. Our parents do the same thing. We started to do the same thing, but instead of complaining to family members, we have Twitter. While Life is Strange 2 tries really hard to come across as a realistic and raw portrait of the US at the end of the decade, they didn’t have enough courage to show realistic obstacles two runaways would be faced with. The brothers do meet a handful of bigots and racists, but the rest of the fellow travelers help them beyond understanding or hidden agenda. Sean and Daniel never really struggle to find a place to stay or a warm meal, usually complaining on or off the screen just before the game mercifully provides them with a solution. There’s no trap they can fall into, no ambiguous characters that promise one thing and then demand something in return. It’s very honorable for Brody to pay for a place to stay, but if an adult man gave young kids a key to a motel room, I would consider a way more sinister outcome. It’s not even about Brody himself, since good people exist, just like the racist ones, but the boys not even once are put in a realistic, scary situation created by a supposed ally. If somebody is helpful, this person is always decent, offering them a job, a ride, some food or money. The bad people wear red hats and yell racist slurs. America by Dontnod is simple to navigate but raw and painful when not necessary and fairy-tale-like when it could teach an actual lesson. Running away from home is not so hazardous because of Trump supporters but because you can end up dead in a ravine, being robbed and raped. It’s not the first and surely not the last time when the developers feared to touch any topic of sexual abuse with a ten-foot pole, but then the journey plays more like a vacation than a desperate escape. Sean gets beaten-up a few times, loses his eye due to a brawl, but it doesn’t affect him at all in the long run. When Daniel finally gets kidnapped, it’s not an Epstein-like circle, dealing with human trafficking, but a religious cult that worships him. The first option, even if it feels like a stretch, is unfortunately way more realistic than the latter. Preaching to the choir is not the biggest sin this game commits though. That brings me to the most discussed theme of the production, which is education. With all due respect to the developers, writers, and designers, Life is Strange 2 in this aspect falls flat as a discovery of a Sunday father, who is responsible for taking his kid to the zoo and struggles to find any common ground with his offspring, either trying to crack jokes about famous pop-culture phenomena or talk about food discussing their next favorite meal. The said father is trying his best though, perfectly aware that it’s his only chance to teach his son a thing or two, but doesn’t know exactly where to start, torn apart between buying more ice cream and throwing a fit about a stain on the carpet. The father doesn’t even like kids that much and can’t translate his lessons into an engaging play that would be memorized forever, rolling his eyes and counting the days to his kid’s graduation so they could share a beer or two and talk about adult things. Now, any effort to explain how the world works seems to be in vain, therefore a waste of his precious time. Leaving the emotional approach aside, the father doesn’t have to cuddle with his kid when he’s scared, bullied, traumatized or asks millions of questions about the future or present, because the full-time mother is waiting at home willing to replace him in this duty. The mother, knowing that her ex-partner sucks big time at talking about feelings, will be the one who will hold the kid, patiently explaining that the boogieman does not exist, playing pirates, or stay late at night to distract his sorrows. The kid will never discuss his fears with his dad though, trying so hard to impress his male parent. He will never know, and it’s fine. The mother is going to do the job while he can deliver a once a week entertainment along with the lines of ultimate wisdom that most likely will be forgotten anyway. This is not raising a kid, it’s nursing them like a fragile plant in a flowerpot, focusing on water, sun, and fertilizer, but discarding the emotional background, hoping that somebody else would take care of such issues if things go south. Sean can’t raise his brother well, simply because he is immature and will stay immature for the rest of the game. There is no moment when he truly goes through a transformation changing from a boy to a man, a fully grown-up adult who takes responsibility for his actions and makes sacrifices for the sake of the greater good. No, surrendering in a fight in the church doesn’t serve as one, neither does the first sexual experience. He doesn’t wonder even once if the hastily constructed plan is benefiting Daniel, forcing it to the last minutes of the game, taking the separation as the worst thing that could happen. There’s no spark of a tragedy like in “The Road” when a father gives up his son to strangers for the sake of saving him. Sean doesn’t care, presenting no character development across the board, merely pushing forward. If there are doubts, they disappear in the blink of an eye when the next cut-scene takes place. I understand that such a young lad as Sean wouldn’t know how to raise a kid, especially if having no model to rely on. However, a part of growing pains is developing the awareness that we know way less than we assumed. That said, Sean Diaz is always assuming he is right, not asking for advice regarding Daniel even once. Apparently, it’s not something that he’s interested in or ever will be. If Life is Strange 2 wants to pass as a coming of age story, it falls on its face before it even starts. Moreover, locked in the auto-driven plot, Sean cannot grow up and gain a new perspective; otherwise, the story wouldn’t reach its big, explosion-packed finale of crossing the border. His desperate efforts of influencing his brother usually converge to order him around, feed him with half-truths or simply leave him in the dark when convenient. I didn’t see any difference or change in Sean’s approach from episode one when he scolded his brother, annoyed for his party plans being interrupted, and in episode three, when he reacts similarly, for the sake of spending time alone with the chosen love interest. There’s no deep thought, no wonder about his own wrongdoings expressed to his brother, no faults admitted, no fallacies explained, with one life-treating situation after another. From an illegal weed growing farm, to destroying police stations, Sean just follows the road, paved by the writers, oblivious to the harm done to his younger sibling, as if Daniel simply forgets the morally gray choices, growing his moral spine entirely on performing chores. Washing the dishes and peeling potatoes does not make us better people but understanding a perspective so different than our own does. Thanks to Sean, Daniel expands his world, but it’s a very one-sided perspective, focusing on always praised, hippie-style liberties, and disregarding every option that requires any code of conduct, as represented by the grandparents. While the older brother forces the younger one to keep up with the designed tasks, he never discusses the issues that really matter. In episode 3, the youngster gets involved in a heist, a robbery, but after it fails, costing Sean his eye and the possible death of some of their companions, this is never mentioned. Mexico, a plan that is hardly a plan at all, is supposed to be an answer to all the questions and doubts. El Dorado of knowledge. This is not how you raise a dog, not to mention a child. There is no emotional bond, no special ties between the brothers, except a few problematic moments that play mostly on simple connection forged by blood, not by circumstances. Sean worries about Daniel because he’s his brother, but the player starts to wonder quite quickly why and what for. Reminiscing about old times gets nailed down to a few lines about the comforts and amenities of a life long gone. The tough topics, such as grieving after personally witnessing their father’s death, are mentioned scarcely and without much emphasis, as if serving only as a reminder to the player, but not a poignant struggle. Same goes with the dog, their friends mutilated at the end of the weed farm chapter, Chris (aka captain spirit) who is mentioned just before the end credits of the second episode, and tons of others. On top of it, the scattered and not so often dialogue lines about putting people in danger refer only to the good folk, siding with the brothers, not to humankind in general. Killing a police officer or knocking down a gas station owner are just natural ways of how things work in America, honorable deeds since it’s apparently perfectly fine for a kid to attempt a homicide if people are mean. What a brave story. Chloe Price had been suffering for five years after William, her beloved father, died in a car crash. For Sean and Daniel, there is no grief to experience, but a memory to share with a plan to erect a monument in the future. Esteban Diaz is a plot device, a symbol of inequality, but not a family member. Even a dream sequence with his guest appearance lacks the impact of the subconscious conversations we’ve seen in Before the Storm. It just simply doesn’t matter. I can’t believe I have to say this but the relatable part about LIS1 wasn’t the tornado, just like in LIS2 crossing the border is its weakest point, but it’s those small moments, gestures, quick smiles in passing, the atmosphere and a breath of fresh air when a line, sometimes silly, got dropped. In the most recent story, there is not a single line worth quoting, memorizing, or discussing. And please, don’t bring up “awesome possum” again. It’s literally taken from The Lego Movie song. The brothers, just like Thelma and Louise, decide to leave everything behind, throwing away the life as they knew it and forging their own future despite all odds. Although, when the two desperate women drive off the cliff committing suicide, chased by the armed forces, there is nothing to explain as the audience fully understands their reasoning. Their will of life was strong, but the path they followed was too steep to return. Without any help or support, confronted with brutal honesty and the world’s cruelty around them, it is the best possible solution. The story of the two brothers, even if it tries to echo the iconic movie, couldn’t be more different. Despite resources at their disposal, family members that do care about their wellbeing, the whole community rising in protest in their hometown, they risk everything for the sake of getting back to the land they don’t even know. Their Mexican heritage is also motioned just as an exposition, and, as we learn in the very last episode, just before the ending that Daniel doesn’t speak Spanish. So why do the stubborn Diaz brothers despite all odds travel to Mexico? Because. Canada was too close, I guess. Last but not least, let’s talk about sex, because why the hell not. A lot of fans or admirers of the previous instances howled across all social media about how much they miss Max and Chloe. I don’t really think it’s the case, but those two girls symbolize something that LIS2 has a tremendous problem with. There’s no emotional connection between the characters the brothers meet along the way, especially the ones that really should matter. Even the love interests feel more like nagging choices than anything else, an experiment during a camping trip, not something that would last or could be fantasized about. Instead of nerve-wracking decisions such as if you’re supposed to kiss Rachel, hold her hand, or the ecstatic discovery (for PriceFielders, but it was ecstatic, right? ) that Chloe changed her phone’s background, we are instead presented with a lineup of sexual experiences, that maybe trail-blaze the road when it comes to topics tackled by a video game, but fall into obscurity as an emotional construction. There is no build-up between Sean and Finn as everything develops to a kiss in one conversation, and Cassidy has fewer lines than Victoria Chase before she invites Sean to her tent. We watch it as we watched it before, trying to get attached, feel something, but the only thing we remember was how much it touched us years ago when we played a different game but with a similar title. The sex scene, relatable or not, is stripped from the emotional intimacy and is as sensitively challenging as a dog being killed. Character development doesn’t move an inch even if Sean, a surrogate father to his brother, lost his virginity to an older girl. There’s no single thought in his head that he might conceive his own offspring during this short but probably memorable experience. There’s not a single line except for the satisfaction of some female parts finally discovered. Oh, dashing explorer, will you ever learn? It’s sad. I did want to like this game and gave it plenty of chances like no other titles ever. I’ve made excuses for the poor execution, technical problems, with the whiny voice acting that was driving me up the wall, plot twists written (I think) on a lunch break, and so on, but I couldn’t stand it. It’s a hard pass when it comes to a video game in general, not to mention the story, script, and everything else. Life is Strange season one; a low-budget production, was the first step to create a masterpiece that LIS2 might’ve been able to become. The second season didn’t learn much from LIS1’s mistakes, additionally exchanging the well-known beauty for a garbage fire, ignoring all the warning signs along the way. Delivering a story that tackles such important topics, it slides between the checkmarks on the board of issues, mentioning conversion therapy, religion, gayness, illegal immigration, and a spiral of crimes but never elaborating on any of them. There is no meat and potatoes presented on the plate of events, but just a sticky, sweet gravy with nothing underneath that leaves you not only hungry but frustrated, willing to call the chef and yell at the waiter. The trick is that unless you were living under a rock, there are tons of other productions in different media that give those themes justice, carefully unfolding all the aspects, giving voice to both sides. The fact that it’s the first video game having an affair with serious issues doesn’t matter. I don’t believe that anybody who consumes any kind of other media like decent books, movies, or TV shows can remain blind to the problems of Life is Strange 2, claiming it to be a good story. It’s not. So here we are, girls, boys, and beyond. Life is Strange 2 with its broken mechanics, story, characters, and spirit slowly but surely will be forgotten. It’s Dontnod’s Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within that you might love to watch or play on your brand-new TV, despite what everybody else would say, omitting any valid or invalid criticism, but unfortunately, it won’t change the general optics about this particular piece of media. A lost chance or recklessness created a convoluted mess and with a heart beating in the wrong place. You might praise Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, get excited about it since it’s a free world, free country (and even if it’s not, no one will take this ersatz of such liberty) and don’t let anybody tell you what to love. The problem is, that most likely the only thing that people will remember about this production is that the main male character looked like Ben Affleck and the hair was dope. Everything else won’t matter. The same thing goes, unfortunately, for Life is Strange 2, subtitle: The Spirits Without. TL:DR: I didn't like it, Like if you want. I just wanted to point put a few things I had problems with. Thank you for your donvotes that most likely will happen and have a great day.

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When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be. Watch Spiral Farm 2019 Free Watch Spiral Farm 2019 Stream Free Watch Spiral Farm 2019 Online for Free Spiral Farm 2019 Full Movies Online Free Watch Spiral Farm 2019 Free Movies Openload Online Full movies and tv shows online for free Watch movies openload online for free without registration Movies openload online for free Stream openload movies online for free Free movies openload online without downloading Spiral Farm 2019, Openload, Openload Movies, Free Movies Online.

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Synopsis When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be. Director: Alec Tibaldi Writer: Thomai Hatsios (story), Alec Tibaldi Actors: Piper De Palma| Amanda Plummer| Cosimo Fusco| Teo Halm| Reviews: Keywords: Spiral Farm yify, Spiral Farm yify movies, Spiral Farm yify torrent, Spiral Farm torrent, Spiral Farm yify subtitles, Spiral Farm yify torrent magnet, Spiral Farm yify download movies, Spiral Farm full movie download, Spiral Farm full movie free download, Spiral Farm download subtitles, download Spiral Farm torrent, Spiral Farm yify torrent movies, download Spiral Farm.

Spiral farm full movie 2017. Ive never seen a Terrence Malik film but holy hell the cinematography looks fantastic. Spiral farm full movie movies. The fact that the Oscars doesn't have a host isn't great for Parasite. They said the black widow movie would be the dark mcu film. wasn't expecting this dark tho. It was a beautiful day in North Dakota. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I had just puked all over myself. Again. You’d think that after fifteen years of living with chronic illness, I’d be used to my body. But no, cystic fibrosis has a mind of its own. The worst thing? As I lay in bed, my stupid bag IV bag was blocking the view of my gymnastics medals and trophies. Not that I stood any shot of making the team this year. Freshman year I was considered a protégée; this year I’m the freak who fell asleep in the locker room. That’s CF— one minute I feel superhuman (or at least human), but the next minute I feel so tired I can barely run through my routines. Then we have today. I’m fairly certain I’m not going to survive long enough to compete for a spot on the competition roster. My head pounded as the sunlight hit my eyes. “Sara, I need you! ” Like magic, Sara was already pulling the blankets off my body. “I’m here Sean, I’m here, ” she said as she loaded my blankets into a laundry bag. “I think we need to get you to the hospital. ” “No, please. Just give me a few more days on the IV. ” “Sean, it’s been over a week. Your fever has only gotten worse. ” I began to cry, sobbing into my pillow. All I ever wanted was to feel normal in my own skin. Because being normal comes with happiness, right? I wanted to fall in love, I wanted to get married, maybe even have a family. I kicked my IV just enough to see my trophies: evidence of the alternate reality version of myself. There was a photo of me in freshman year, on the rings. Even with my long hair whipping all over my face, I nailed my gymnastics routine like a rock star. I was the youngest person to ever win an individual gold at the state level. I wiped tears from my eyes as Sara handed me a clean shirt. Who am I kidding? I’m going to die alone in a hospital bed. “Don’t cry. ” Sara kissed my cheek. “You know, with how light your eyes are, you look like an ice-zombie. ” “What? ” I instantly perked up. Sara always knew how to make me smile. “Once we get to the hospital, I want to braid your fairy-princess hair. ” I laughed. For the record, I do not have fairy-princess hair. I have surfer hair, long blonde waves that cascade down my back. Hair destined for a dive into the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes when I’m in the shower I’ll stand under the flow, letting the water wash over my face. In my mind I’m in California, emerging from beneath the waves. I look nothing like Sara, my remarkable sister. I like to call her my twin since we’re the same age—not that we have anything in common, beyond sharing a room. I’m six-foot tall, which doesn’t help much when your sport of choice is gymnastics. I have my meds to thank for that; for the first fourteen years of my life I was prescribed human growth hormones to give my sick body a fighting chance. While my adorable, amazing sister was a brilliant science nerd, destined to change the world. I was snapped back to reality by a coughing fit. I could feel the mucus trying to come out, but my lungs were seizing up. I reached for my inhaler. The medicine helped relax my lungs enough to take in air, but now the room was spinning. “Sara, I don’t think I can make it out of bed. ” Sara was already gone. She quickly returned with our mother, who lifted me out of bed and helped me to the door. “Sara, disconnect his IV, make note of how much is left in the bag, and then I need you to grab my keys and start the car. ” I kind of passed out just as we got going, but at least I was lying with my head in Sara’s lap. That was about as comfortable as I was going to get. She was cradling my head in her arms. Although small, my sister was always my hero. She could do it all: administer IVs; monitor my blood sugar; and even perform chest physiotherapy to loosen the mucus in my lungs. Mom was brave, too. She always had been, from the day she’d chosen to adopt an abandoned baby with CF. Then having to raise us on her own when Dad died on a disaster relief trip to the Philippines. I could feel Sara stroking my face. I looked up to see tears in her eyes. With fifteen years of caring for me, my illness affected her as much as it affected me. I tried to cheer her up. “So, are you going to braid my fairy-princess hair? ” She gave me a weak grin. “Let’s hold off on that until you get a bed. ” Less than an hour later, I was admitted to the ICU. I couldn’t stop coughing. The port on my side was reopened in an attempt to drain my lungs manually. I had to be put on oxygen and blood thinners to relieve the pressure in my chest. I’m told that the fever spiked into brain damage territory. My antibiotic levels were adjusted: different amounts, different combinations. The nurse brought in a blanket that appeared to be made of hundreds of cold packs fused together. On the third night in the ICU, the dreaded words “breathing tube” were mentioned. I hated breathing tubes. They were unbearably painful and made it impossible to speak. I grabbed Mom’s hand. “Please, I can fight this. You know I can. I just need you to believe in me. ” I wanted so badly to get out of bed. I wanted to get back to training, to feel the burn of strength in my muscles. To feel my body pushing itself towards greatness, not just to survive. Hell, freshman year I trained and competed with a fractured wrist and three bruised ribs after getting the living crap kicked out of me. That was how bad-ass I could be when CF wasn’t hijacking my body. Mom turned to the doctor. “What are the other options? ” The tall, elderly man looked confused. “I strongly recommend a breathing tube, just until we can get the fever stabilized. ” That was the easy answer for him; put the kid on a breathing tube and come back to him later. And I sure as fuck did not want to be tethered to a machine. The way I figured it, the fewer machines I was reliant on, the faster I was going to recover. I wanted to get back to training or I wanted to die. I had little use for the gray area in between. Mom shook her head vigorously. “No. Put him under sedation. It’ll give his body a chance to rest. ” “With all due respect, Mrs. Foster—” “You listen to me—that boy is more than numbers on a chart. ” “I know this is difficult—” “He’s my son! ” She squeezed my hand. Sara was already holding my other hand. “Sean’s on full oxygen and he’s still breathing on his own. I’m choosing to have faith in him. ” The doctor quietly left the room. Mother kissed my forehead. “I love you. And I’ll always believe in you. ” The next day, the fever went down to a better, yet still unsafe level. I suffered a seizure due to lack of oxygen to my brain, prompting the doc’s insistence on a breathing tube. That, or a tracheotomy. I was strong, but would not survive the ordeal unscarred. Mother looked to Sara. “Tracheotomy, ” Sara quickly answered. The doctor would be cutting a hole in my throat, inserting a tube that would attach to a ventilator and function as an alternative means of supplying oxygen to my weakened lungs. The process would be much more invasive and painful, but at least I would still be able to speak. By my eighth day in the hospital, I was too weak to remain conscious for more than few hours a day. My lungs were failing and if the infection spread to my heart, I could very well be dead in a few months. I stared at the ceiling, trying not to think about the ache in my throat or the pounding in my head. I seemed a little dead from the neck down. A soft snore made me look to Sara. She was slumped in the seat by my bed with a book resting on her lap. I couldn’t make out the title, but it looked science-y and intimidating. She’d been with me all week, having been given permission by her school to study at the hospital. It seemed to take minutes of effort to coordinate my arm muscles, but I managed to reach over and nudge her awake. “Go to school tomorrow, please. ” “Why? ” she whispered. “I want stay with you. I want to be by your side when you get out of this bed. That’s the way it’s always been! ” “Go to school, ” I repeated. I knew what she meant. Whenever I was hospitalized, she was always by my side. “It’s not worth it for you to stay. ” I didn’t dare look in her direction. She gripped my hand. “I have nothing to look forward to at school. You’re all I have. ” I sighed. Sadly, she was probably correct. Her vigilance in caring for me didn’t exactly do much for her social life. “Maybe a miracle will be waiting, ” I said as I yanked my hand away, a little ruder then I should have. “Or maybe you’ll die in your sleep. ” Sara took a deep breath, shook her head, and left the room. The next day, Sara didn’t show up at nine as usual, which was good— it meant she’d probably gone to school. Playing hooky was like sacrilege to her. Some part of me saw this as God throwing me a life line. A little after five she scampered in, taking a seat on the plastic chair by my bed. “Sean, are you awake? ” “Is that my miracle? ” I asked motioning my head to the doorway, which framed a tall, supermodel-like silhouette. Sarah turned my room lights on for me. I squinted, but then couldn’t stop staring as the girl walked towards the bed. The stunningly beautiful Latina wore her hair in a pixie cut with bangs sweeping over her eyes. She lovingly caressed my hand. “Hello, Jenny-Q. ” Even with her new look, I would recognize her beauty anywhere. Up close I could see her caramel skin, high cheekbones, pouty lips and large brown eyes that sparkled with hints of gold. “Hey, Sean, ” she whispered. “Sorry, I’m so nervous. I didn’t even know if you’d remember me. I have no idea what to say. I know if my dad was here, he’d try to get us to pray, or some shit like that. ” “Remember you? You saved my life. I don’t know what I was thinking, that day. I should’ve run. ” “No shit, ” Sara muttered. She still hadn’t really forgiven me for talking back to Richie Cross like I was on some kind of suicide mission. “I knew what to expect, after my run-in with Lisa, ” I admitted, not meeting Sara’s eyes. “Richie wasn’t about to let me get away with screwing around with his girl. It had to be me coming on to her, because Lisa would never cheat on him, no. ” “Why I thought I’d get on better with that douchebag than Lisa had, I’ll never know. ” Jen rolled her eyes. “I still can’t believe he called you an ass-cancer. ” “Yeah, well. I shouldn’t have told him I had cancer. It just seemed easier than explaining Cystic Fibrosis to a dumbfuck. ” Sarah folded her arms. “I get that, but you didn’t do yourself any favors with your comeback. ” She glared at Jen, who was giggling. I’d told Richie that I’d rather be an ass-cancer than the only black guy at White Creek with a micro-penis, and then came the beat-down. I remembered the ‘fight’ clear as day. I’d lifted my chin, daring Richie and his gang of dickwads to attack. In the moment, I honestly felt like I could take whatever they had to give, but the blows came too fast and too hard. I could hear people laughing, even cheering. My efforts to shield my face were proving pointless as my attackers dragged my body away from the lockers and started stomping my head. It was when I’d started to succumb to the pain that I heard screams and voices coming to my defense. One by one, the attackers stepped off, but before I could start to feel the relief, Richie grabbed me by the hair and blew cigarette smoke directly into my blood-covered face. It was Jenny-Q who’d rummaged in my bag and helped me with my inhaler, preventing a choking spiral that would’ve ended me in minutes. But it got her slapped hard. Through eyes which were rapidly swelling shut, I saw Richie hauling her down the hallway by her arm, railing at her about her lack of respect. “Yo! Earth to Sean! ” Sara said, shaking my arm. “Were you sleeping with your eyes open? ” “Sorry. ” I smiled at Jenny, still feeling guilty that I couldn’t do a damn thing about what Richie did to her after she’d defended me. “I never forgot your courage, Jenny-Q. Hell, I didn’t even get to thank you. Where did you go? ” She shrugged. “I took a little ‘hiatus’ from school. Anyway, like I told Sara, Jenny-Q was a slut with super-short shorts and over-processed ringlets. Now I’m just Jen. ” “I like the pixie cut, ” I told her. “New era, new image, right? ” “Yeah, that, and also I used so much hair product that I gave myself a scalp infection. ” Covering her embarrassment, she grabbed the bed controls and took it upon herself to move my body to an upright position. Her fingers brushed a lock of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. “I just want to see those beautiful eyes. ” I held her gaze for a long moment, trying to figure out her body language. It seemed like she was being more than gentle—I felt a little like she was hitting on me. Sara glanced back from the muted TV. She’d been surfing the channels. “Jen knows all the cool hospital tricks, like how to get nonfamily into the ICU. ” I grinned. “How come? ” “Her brother died of cancer. ” I flinched at my sister’s total lack of tact and looked into Jen’s beautiful eyes. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. ” “Yeah, Cam died of liver cancer when he was eighteen, and I was eleven. Neither of my parents were viable donors. ” She looked at the ceiling as if looking to God. “I was conceived on the off-chance I could save him. Cam developed tumors in his liver when he was two years old. All my parents’ time and energy was put into giving him a little… longer. ” Sara blinked. “Wow, that’s kind of harsh. I know my mom loves Sean more than me, but—” “Sara, that’s not true, ” I snapped. I hoped she was being sarcastic, but wasn’t sure. Things had been a little ropey between her and Mom for a while. Jen raised her hand. “The point is, Sara, you love him too. It was the same for me and Cam. There’s a story he used to tell me about the day I was born. I was passed off to my grandma because my parents needed to check on Cam in the ICU. Grandma thought it was inappropriate for a new mother to be away from her baby, so she took it upon herself to bring me to the ICU and put me into Cam’s arms. He told me that in that moment he felt like a superhero because he had someone to watch over, someone to love. ” “Yeah, I’ll bet. ” I could only imagine what that felt like, to be suddenly given the chance to be someone’s hero. Part of me wondered, at what point in his short life Cam realized that Jen was born only to serve as spare parts. To me, that would be the most heartbreaking aspect. To know that not only were you destined to die, you couldn’t protect the one person you cared about most. Jen’s voice was breaking. “When my mom tried to take the baby away, Cam cried. He was the only person who ever loved me. The day he died, I wanted to die too. ” I cupped her face in my hands, looking into her eyes. “You’re too beautiful to cry. ” Sara giggled. “You two are so cute together, like something out of a magazine. ” Jen stuck out her tongue. “Teen Vogue or Hustler? ” “Vanity Fair, at least their gorgeous supermodels keep their clothes on. ” “I can roll with that, but I’ll never be a model. ” Sara rolled her eyes. “I don’t do false modesty. ” “No, really…” Jen lifted her shirt slightly, revealing a large scar on her otherwise perfect abs. “A chunk of my eight-year-old liver bought my brother a few more years. ” I stared. “Wow. That’s quite the war wound. ” “It’s a permanent reminder of how I failed him. ” “You didn’t fail him, ” Sara said. “Medical science failed him. That, and not enough people walking marathons while wearing colorful ribbons. ” Jen covered her mouth as she laughed. “You are so bad, Sara. ” I put my arm around Jen, pulling her close. “Can I touch your scar? ” “Yeah, I guess. ” I slid my hand over her abs, feeling the raised tissue. She released a soft sigh. Taking courage, I moved her hand towards my drainage port, but her hand recoiled. She smiled too brightly and pulled back, pulling her shirt down. “Anyway! I know how to hook up a gaming system to a crappy wall-mounted TV in Iowa, how to sneak a refill of ice chips from the unlocked faculty break room in Nebraska, how to smuggle in outside food in New Mexico, and—most importantly—how to do most of the nurse’s job. ” “Uh… good? ” “And pushing the little red button is a fifty-fifty shot at best, am I right? Nurse call button, my ass. ” I forced myself to laugh at Jen’s joke. It was so cool that she hated hospitals just as much as I did, but I was still stung from misreading her. She got up and headed for the door, all smiles, but seeming like she needed to get out quickly. I slumped in bed, really needing her to give me a second chance. “Hey, do you need to go already? ” Jen smiled. “Probably best if I do right now. I’ll be back. I promise. ” Chapter 2 Jen returned as promised, and for the next few weeks, I had the time of my life. Jen would accompany Sara to the hospital. We would all talk about poetry, philosophy, and why PC gaming was better than any console package the major companies could put out. They would get my homework and help me complete assignments as I slowly regained my strength. “Why do I need four years of math to graduate? ” I groaned. Geometry was a little better than algebra since it was the art of measuring shapes, as opposed to trying to find numbers that didn’t exist. “If I’m passing geometry, then it’s not that difficult. ” Jen walked me through each question, massaging my shoulders, while Sara worked on my English and history essays. “You have to read Romeo and Juliet, ” Sara said, tossing Jen a DVD of the late nineties punk version to put into her laptop. Jen smirked. “I cannot believe you own this movie. ” “It’s the better one, ” Sara pointed out. “Colorful costumes, special effects, and they still used the same script. “It’s frickin’ Shakespeare—they can’t change the script! ” I was out of the ICU, the infection completely cleared. I had my own room in the main pediatric unit, another hospital-survival trick Jen had mastered. She explained that getting the right room was a similar process to getting the best table at a restaurant; if you could convince the staff you wouldn’t be much trouble, you could earn yourself a heavy dose of privacy. Jen and Sara snuck in candy and fast food while Mom sat in a corner, working on her laptop. She would occasionally look up and see the three of us laughing. Whenever our eyes met, I could see her smiling. Most importantly, unlike in the ICU, visitors could stay overnight. Jen often texted her father in the evening: “Spending the night with Sean and his sister. Their mother will be present. ” I thought that was weirdly formal, but it wasn’t for me to say. Jen cuddled next to me in my bed (which was a strict hospital no-no), but Sara was a good human alert system. She was a light sleeper. If Sara detected movement towards our room from any approaching nurse, she’d spring out of her seat, waking both me and Jen. On more than one occasion I would awake alone, seeing Jen and Sara asleep on chairs. There was no way Jen was never caught. So, I assumed my two best friends were just that expertly skilled at talking their way out of incriminating situations. It took me a while to realize that Jen never got any reply from her father. Ever. “I guess I should just take that to mean, ‘whatever, get home eventually, ’ right? ” Jen said as she rested her elbows on the bed railing. “Maybe your texts aren’t going through? ” “You don’t know my father. ” “Ok then, let’s get to know our dads. I’ll start. My dad worked for the Red Cross. ” “Worked? Did he retire? ” “He passed away when Sean and I were three, ” Sara answered. “We mostly know him through photos and stories. I wish I had more memories of him. So, what does your dad do for a living? ” “Both my parents are in real estate. ” I noticed that occasional, somber expression taking root once again. “Always? Since the dawn of time? ” Sara joked. Before that, my father was in the military. ” “What did he do in the military? ” “I don’t know—the usual soldier stuff. ” Clearly, there was more to the story. Was he disabled? I knew that wasn’t any of my business, but she was pretty open about her brother’s death. I grabbed her phone and hit call. Jen grabbed it back and smacked me in the face. “Ow! ” I touched my sore eye. “Was that necessary? ” “Be grateful you’re already in the hospital. ” “Are you seriously telling me I can’t call your dad? ” Jen fiddled with her screen and then pulled up a picture. “This is my father, Master Sergeant Diego Miguel Quinto. ” Sara made her way over. “I want to see! ” Jen’s father was a muscular man with a tattooed chest. His dark eyes looked directly at the camera with an intimidating gaze. I blinked. “Woah. He’s… he’s not very… small. ” Sara laughed. “He’s not that scary. He’s actually kind of hot, like Benjamin Bratt—muy caliente. ” Jen scrubbed her face like she was trying to soap the image from her eyes. “That’s my dad you’re talking about. Oh, by the way, caliente means spicy, so unless you want to eat him—” “What if I do? ” Jen shook her head as she put her phone away. “You two are a bunch of children. ” I had to agree with Sara; the guy was good-looking, clearly the source of Jen’s good genes. She had his dark eyes, slender nose, and high cheekbones. They even had similar lips. Part of me wanted to meet the guy just to see if he had Jen’s smile. The days went by quickly with my two best friends by my side. I was healthier than I’d been for a long time. The doctor even authorized the removal of my neck trach. When I wasn’t trying to catch up with work from class, I enjoyed a little downtime with Jen while Sara caught a few zees on the mattress in the corner of the room. Jen and I liked watching movies on her phone. One evening, we were following a television show where contestants had to make meals out of a random section of items, like hot dogs with caviar and cotton candy. Though my cystic fibrosis usually did a number on my appetite, I watched the chefs at work, marinating and grilling. One chef even wrapped his cut of meat in puff pastry. I was becoming genuinely hungry. On another preparation table, the contestants were forced to cook bison with quinoa, saffron cookies, and guava. “Sean, if you stop drooling on my shoulder, I’ll get you a candy bar. ” “I want to try bison someday. I think it would be like beef but better. ” “Same here, except that I hate the idea of death; I hate giant roasted animals—” “What, like blue whales? Mammoths? ” Jen rolled her eyes. “No, I mean whole chicken, whole fish, or whole anything-that-looks-like-a-corpse. I love how dead cow is called beef, and the dead baby cow is called veal. Helps us humans forget they were ever living creatures, or that they’d ever experienced thought or emotion. ” “Fish is fish and chicken is chicken, ” I pointed out. “And thanks to you, I’ll have to fall asleep contemplating the deep thoughts of farm animals. ” “Sorry, not sorry. ” “I really want to try bison. How are you with steaks? ” Jen smiled. “Okay-ish. I guess I’ll take a vow to eat bison with you someday. ” She ran her fingers through my hair. Jen’s face was already so close to mine. She turned and our lips touched, once then twice. I closed my eyes. I had kissed a lot of girls, but Jen was different. Her touch was pure love. “Open your eyes, Sean, ” Jen whispered, caressing my face. “I want to see those beautiful eyes. ” I obliged, cupping her face as our lips met for one long sexy kiss. Jen pulled herself onto my lap. She slipped her hands down my shoulders as we made out in my bed. Her abs tightened as I caressed her waist. My hands looked huge on her body. Suddenly, Jen grabbed my wrist so hard I jumped. “Did I do something wrong? ” “No, no but…” She started to cry. “I can’t do this yet. I’m so sorry. ” Not knowing what to say, I pulled her down to lie on the bed with me, her body resting on mine as she sobbed into my shoulder. “There’s something I have to tell you. ” “About Richie Cross? ” I asked. Jen nodded, but didn’t say anything more. I cleared my throat. “You don’t have to explain anything if you don’t want. ” “I… I do. I need to. ” I gripped her hand, and then still for what seemed like an age while she described how the guy had made her life a living hell. By the time Jen was done talking, she was hoarse and I was struck dumb—dumb enough to manage little more than a vague wave when she hopped off the bed and said she was going to get a drink. Sara went with her, trailing behind like she didn’t want to leave Jen alone, but didn’t want to crowd her, either. She’d woken up while Jen was crying and heard everything. The whole story made me feel sick to the gut, even sicker than the cheaper-than-shit jello in the tiny pot by my bedside. She’d taken a risk sticking up for me on the day that Richie and his crew tried to beat the last living daylights out of me, and the risk had cost her dearly. I had no idea what I’d done to earn her trust. I didn’t even know what to feel: relief that she didn’t blame me for Richie’s treatment of her after the day she’d stopped him from beating me, or guilt for my part in making the asshole turn on her the way he did. She hadn’t dumped him. That wasn’t an option; she was scared. Her association with Richie had driven away pretty much anyone at school who might rescue her from him. Nobody wanted to experience his rage after the example he’d made of me. She’d played meek-little-mouse to keep him happy until the inevitable escalation occurred; he sexually assaulted her and dumped her off on her parents’ lawn. I closed my eyes, as if that would erase the mental image of her being pitched out of a car, unconscious. It didn’t work. Not even fantasizing about hiring a hit man to beat eighteen shades of crap out of Richie made me feel any better. “Sorry to disturb you, honey. ” The soft voice made me jump. A blood pressure cuff started tightening around my bicep. I looked up to see the night-shift nurse giving me one of her pitying smiles. I quirked one back at her and pretended to try to go back to sleep, just grateful she didn’t ask why I was upset. After a few moments, her footsteps retreated. I clenched my fists under the blankets. Following the assault, Jen’s father had tried to do what I wanted to do so badly—smack Richie in the face. He’d confronted the asshole, taking him down with a punch and then busting Richie’s car up a little, which simply led to Richie’s parents filing counter-charges for assault on their son. Telling me about her father’s response to the situation, Jen had been so venomous about his actions that I was almost a little scared at her anger towards him. I couldn’t blame her for being mad that he’d nearly undermined the investigation into Richie’s assault on her; she needed those charges to stick. If her life was ever going to be the same again, he had to be identified as the guilty party and removed from school. In the end, it was Richie who shot himself in the foot. Confident that the investigation into him had gotten nowhere, he posted the video of them having “sex. ” When that video hit social media, I was still out of school, recovering from Richie’s beating, so I never got to see it. Thankfully, not too many other people did either, because he was reported by another member of his supposedly closed group and the film was taken down and saved for evidence within a couple of hours of being posted. The time stamp on the video matched up with Jen’s account of the assault, confirming his guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, but no charges were ever pressed. Jen’s mother had accepted a six-figure hush payment from Nathan Cross while Diego was away on business. Fast, loud feet stamped across the tile floor in my room, startling me. The girls were back from the cafeteria and it looked like they’d been fighting. “What’s up? ” I croaked. Sara looked indignant and shocked at the same time. “I somehow made her mad. ” “Somehow? ” My mouth went dry watching the two of them getting louder and louder. I swallowed to get spit back in my mouth. “Guys—” “I just asked Jen why she was so pissed at her dad when it was her mother who accepted the payoff. ” “This isn’t rocket science, Sara. He let my mom take a payout in exchange for Richie’s full exoneration. How did that help me? My folks got the money, but I got to remain the school slut. And you know what’s just as bad? Richie still has a clean record. He could go to college and do this to another girl, and get off—again. ” “You can’t do anything about that—” “But my parents could’ve done something! Dad should’ve made Mom give the money back. ” “Well… you did say your mom was kinda forceful. ” Jen slammed her coke can on my bedside table. “That is so not the point! He wasn’t even around to stop this whole pay-off shit from happening. I was in the hospital for a whole week after what Richie did, but Dad only visited that first night when I woke up. Where was he after that? On some ‘urgent’ business trip, that’s where. ” “Well, maybe he urgently needed to tell his senior people why he needed time off work, ” Sara pressed. “Some employers are jerks. You have to shove police reports in their faces to make them understand there’s a crisis. ” “He’s in real estate, he works for himself! ” “What about his clients? He has to keep the business going, right? ” “Oh, just… don’t! ” Jen paced the room, her fists clenched. For a horrible second, it looked like she was going to storm out and not come back. As much as I loved Sara, sometimes she didn’t know when to quit playing Devil’s advocate. I cleared my throat and fixed Sara with the calmest gaze I could manage. “It’s her situation, Sis. She knows more about it than we do. ” Sara shifted from foot to foot. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just… I know what it’s like to not be able to help someone as much as I want to, and I figured he probably felt the same way when trying to deal with wealthy shitbags like the Cross family. ” Jen caught her anxious glance, and released a long breath. She then made one of those exaggerated “om” gestures with her hands. “I’m really sorry, ” Sara insisted. “I was just trying to help you see that maybe your dad didn’t want to neglect you. ” “All right, ” Jen finally said. “I wasn’t trying to rip you a new one, but I need to ask you a favor. Just… remember that I’ve seen every side of my father. You’ve never even met him. ” “Sure. ” Sara looked contrite. “I get it. ” As the girls sat down together, sharing cautious smiles, I swear my blood pressure came down about twenty points. I grinned at Jen. “It’s not Sara’s fault she likes Diego so much. She’s depraved and lusts for anyone who looks like Benjamin Bratt. ” Sarah slugged me in the arm. Jen finally cracked a smile. “If anything, he looks like Al Pacino in Scarface—if Scarface were a disabled vet who worked out nearly every day. ” “Your father is disabled? ” I asked. He certainly didn’t appear disabled. But then again neither did I. Especially on my good days. “A war injury, ” she explained. “He gets really bad muscle spasms in his back. ” Sara looked to Jen. “But he’s able to work out? In that picture he looks ripped. ” “The more he maintains his strength, the less his body deteriorates. ” I held Jen in my arms. “Jen, I love you. I still want to come to your house and meet him for myself. ” Jen shook her head. “It’s not my dad I’m worried about. He knows how to turn on the charm when he has to. It’s my mom. She’s… she hates anything with a dick. ” “As the only person in this room with a dick, I’m insisting you explain that statement. ” “She hates my dad, that much is certain. And although she hated Richie, she was more than happy to sit back and watch things go wrong, just so she could call me a disappointment. And then there’s your disability. ” “Your mother hates disabled people? ” I asked. “After my brother died, she just lost it. She’s in mourning every moment of the day. I can just see her taking one look at you and feeling threatened by your looks, your talent—all despite your illness. She’s going to try to knock you down just to prove that she can, and I don’t want to witness that. ” “I’ve been knocked down plenty of times. ” Jen looked up at me. “If you guys want to push into my private life—” “I’m not doing that. ” “Not taking ‘no’ for an answer is pushing, Sean. ” Jen huffed a big breath and looked back at me. “If you want me to let you in, then you let me in. ” I frowned. “I have been. ” “What did Lisa Anders do to you? ” I felt a shiver down my spine. “You know what she did to me, the whole school does. ” “Yours is the only side of the story I haven’t heard. ” part 2:.

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Actor: Jennifer Ehle; ; Creator: Rose Glass; Abstract: Saint Maud is a movie starring Morfydd Clark, Jennifer Ehle, and Lily Knight. Follows a pious nurse who becomes dangerously obsessed with saving the soul of her dying patient; Duration: 1 hours 24 M; 7,8 / 10. Saint maud director. Saint maud fontenoy fondation. Saint maud full movie. Saint maud rose glass. Saint maud streaming. Saint maud cast. Saint maud movie. Saint maurice 94410. Saint maud a24.

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Saint maud tiff. Saint maud release date. Saint maudit. Saint maud trailer 2020. Saint maud movie/ music/ artists. Saint maud 2020. Saint maud movie trailer. Saint maud plot. Saint maud reddit. Bandes-annonces Casting Critiques spectateurs Critiques presse Photos VOD Blu-Ray, DVD noter: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Envie de voir Rédiger ma critique Synopsis et détails Maud, infirmière à domicile, s’installe chez Amanda, une célèbre danseuse fragilisée par la maladie qui la maintient cloîtrée dans son immense maison. Amanda est d’abord intriguée par cette étrange jeune femme très croyante, qui la distrait. Maud, elle, est fascinée par sa patiente. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses. Maud, tourmentée par un terrible secret et par les messages qu’elle pense recevoir directement de Dieu, se persuade qu’elle doit accomplir une mission: sauver l’âme d’Amanda. Distributeur Diaphana Distribution Récompenses 3 prix et 2 nominations Voir les infos techniques Acteurs et actrices Casting complet et équipe technique Dernières news Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer... Voir plus de films similaires Pour découvrir d'autres films: Les meilleurs films de l'année 2019, Les meilleurs films Thriller, Meilleurs films Thriller en 2019. Commentaires.

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  • Coauthor - Alp Tunca
  • Bio: Sinema sakini. Bilkent University.

